肯尼亚标准局 - KEBSKenya Bureau of Standards
Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) was established in July 1974. The KEBS Board of Directors is known as the National Standards Council (NSC).
It is the policy-making body for supervising and controlling the administration and financial management of the Bureau. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Bureau within the broad guidelines formulated by the NSC.
1974. KEBS was founded by the enhancement of the CAP 496of the laws of Kenya.
1980. KEBS moved its headquarters to South C.
1981. Metrology was initiated.
1985. Testing services were offered.
1985. KEBS Coast region was opened.
1995. KEBS Kisumu office was opened.
1995. Legal inspection was commissioned under legal notice no.78.
2003. KEBS developed its 1st strategic plan.
2005. KEBS signs performance contract with d government. 2005. Pre-Export verification of conformity was initiated