Exporting to Cameroon – ANOR Replaces Declaration of Importation (DI No.) with PR Number

The Agence des Normes et de la Qualite (ANOR) has implemented the “PR Number” as mandatory information replacing the Declaration of Importation (DI No.) for Shipment Certification application under Programme d’Evaluation de la Conformité Avant Embarquement (PECAE) programme. Consequently, the Declaration of Importation (DI No.) has been rendered as optional information.

PR number, also known as NEF (E-force) number is the reference written on the top-right corner in GUCE platform’s “Fiche Tracking e-Force” document which is generated during import declaration application.

喀麦隆ANOR机构已实施“PR 编号”作为强制性信息,以取代 Program d’Evaluation de la Conformité Avant Embarquement (PECAE) 计划下的装运认证申请的进口申报 (DI No.)。 因此,进口声明(DI 编号)已作为可选信息提供。

PR号,也称为NEF(E-force)号,是在GUCE平台的“Fiche Tracking e-Force”文件中,在申请进口报关时生成的,写在右上角的参考号。